
What you realize when you get older, well, quite older, is that your life has boundaries, not in the way you might think, in terms of finite time, having a life sentence of short duration, a terminal illness, as it were, but in terms of your life rightfully becoming the thing of fenced-in pastures instead of limitless prairie, where your own horses graze and you don’t assume that all horses roaming the hills are yours to own, or capture, or manage in any way but rather you’ve gotten definite in your mind which horses truly belong to you and which you ought to let go because you never owned them, you were only kidding yourself, thinking you were anointed to decide which horses would graze where and with whom and from which river they would drink, that time is over, and it couldn’t have happened sooner, it could only happen now.

8 Comments on “Revelation

  1. A very good description of something I always have trouble describing. Life does get more limited, but it’s not the same as trapped. But it’s very difficult to explain that and you did it so well!

  2. Yes, it’s a wonderfully freeing revelation! thanks for putting it in such beautifully metaphorical terms, Jan!

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