
I’m going to write my friend a letter
On paper, with ink
Indelible which means

It could last forever
Folded in thirds and stored in the pages of a favorite book
He might show his children my letter

I’ll tell him how I’m feeling
In ways that will stand the test of time
However long that is

I can’t change my mind tomorrow
If my letter is already in flight, a wing on soft paper
Like in the old days, blue tissue folded in on itself

It feels serious, this letter writing
Like I better mean what I say

5 Comments on “Correspondence

  1. I’m delighted to be a new follower of Jan’s blog.

  2. A handwritten letter is a treasure, a relationship investment, and maybe even a relic. The words honor the moment.

    I save every one received.

  3. one of my favorite things in life is a handwritten letter. you are right, you never know the path it will take once it is out of your hands

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